I am responsible for Galle as a line manager, he has continued to show dedication to Vault Corp and continues to help maintain where we are today. He is in charge of general operations and ensures things are being run smoothly day to day. I am glad to have him working by my side, as he has stuck with us in both high and low times for the org.
Benjamin has been regarded as professional, caring, and an expert on Vault Corporations policies/procedures. He is constantly taking the time to speak too customers and give them a great experience, as Director of Operations he also takes time too help his Alpha/Bravo supervisors, and has even assisted management in writing a "New Hire" document. This dedication and excellency shows true dedication and fantastic leadership, I hope too see him continuing too go above and beyond!
Benjamin has been promoted to the Counsellor position within Vault Operations leading Team A and Team B. He is working very hard on the organisation and I would like to see this continue ensuring the supervisors are being held accountable for their members.