Vault Corporation
An organisation founded by Tyla Jai and Harry Barnett
Command Hierarchy
The Vault Corporation, founded by Tyla Jai and Harry Barnett in September 2017, distinguishes itself as a roleplay organisation committed to fairness and inclusivity. Prioritizing alliance-building, we ensure prosperity for members through diverse goods production, sales, and trusted financial services. Our platform offers a secure space for transactions and an extensive online marketplace. With a steadfast commitment to integrity, we empower individuals to thrive within a supportive and dynamic community dedicated to collective growth and success.
Rank Structure
Within our organisation, the rank structure is uniquely streamlined, comprising just three progressive tiers that entail significant leaps in responsibility. At the helm, three senior managerial roles oversee operations, led by the esteemed figure of the Lord Commander. This hierarchical simplicity fosters clear communication, swift decision-making, and a sense of purpose, ensuring efficient management and cohesive direction for our collective endeavors.
Rank Structure
The progressable ranks within the organisation
Vault Commander
The management of the organisation on a strategic level
Vault Executive
The development of strategy and investigation of misconduct
Vault Counsellor
The delivery of corporate strategy and team management
Vault Supervisor
The coordination of their teams welfare and performance
Vault Operative
A competent frontline member with varied responsibilities
Vault Recruit
A probationary member yet to build trust and competency
Vault Contractor
An external member who delivers orders through our systems
Member Benefits
Join the Vault Corporation for a fair and inclusive workplace, welcoming all regardless of experience. Earn competitive pay for completed orders and access top-notch tools to enhance productivity. As the most allied organisation, enjoy third-party benefits and perks like annual leave. Embrace a diverse, collaborative environment where individual contributions are valued, fostering personal growth. Join us to unleash your potential and embark on a fulfilling journey of success.
Joining Considerations
The positives and negatives to joining our organisation
Partner Organisations
We are proud to be the most allied organisation with the strongest partnerships, granting us access to third party benefits
Annual Leave
An inactivity notice system allows you to self-certify a period of inactivity without any issues from supervision
Proportional Income
You will earn money relative to the work you put in, we are the number one legal income provider which provides cash for craft and delivery
Equal Opportunities
You will not be discriminated against for your background or level of experience, everybody is welcome and we will mentor you to success
Learning Programme
You may not have played for a while, or perhaps you are brand new? We have an online learning programme that will bring you up to scratch
Community Focused
As a member, you are part of our community and are invited to hang out with us, take part in game nights or out of game activities
Reduced Yield
We experience a 60% yield reduction due to our member count, you should join if you prioritise a safety in numbers approach over base yield
Rules and Regulations
The organisation has a number of rules and regulations that are designed to ensure the organisation functions smoothly and by the intentions of the organisation founder. The rules set out cover many points but are written simply for easy understanding. There are some general rules which cover a number of possible violations, if you need a better understanding of these then ensure you have completed any relevant learning pages and contact a supervisor for clarification. The rules of the Vault Corporation are essential to smooth running operations.
Rules and Regulations
A list of all the rules and regulations in our organisation
1a General Conduct
The organisation will not tolerate any forms of harassment, discrimination, toxicity or abuse from any member or visitor of the organisation
1b Vault Sovereignty
The organisation expects members to uphold our image ensuring that their actions, words or behaviour do not deteriorate the sovereignty whether intentional or otherwise
2a Activity and Engagement
The organisation asks members to play a minimum of seven hours per week and to engage with organisational growth, submitting inactivity through an inactivity notice
2b Server Punishments
The organisation issues internal disciplinaries under this section for any server punishments that undermine our sovereignty, safeguarding or activity
2c Organisation Withdrawal
The organisation expects employees wishing to end their service to provide a three-day notice period using the automated system on their profile, before leaving the organisation
2d Data Confidentiality
The organisation prohibits sharing data from permission-locked sources, such as the website or Discord, with anyone other than authorised members, regardless of their intention
3a Refunds and Returns
The organisation rejects refunds unless requested before work commences, compensation for orders released or reassigned due to server punishment or inactivity is not available
3b Order Handling
The organisation expects crafters to manage claimed orders promptly and keep customers updated via the order status and messaging portal, ensuring the order is delivered in full
4a Combat and Engagement
The organisation does not endorse raiding, mugging, countering or combat towards any employee or partner, we expect members to stay clear of conflicts between our partners
4b Base Arrangement
The organisation expects members to place their planters on metal shelves within our guidelines, and to ensure that chemical tables and workbenches are not left unoccupied
4c Risk and Detection
The organisation expects that members conduct themselves in a manner which prevents detection from rivals and police, limiting gunfire and suspicious circumstances within our property
4d Uniform Standards
The organisation expects members to adhere to our dress code detailed within our learn module, ensuring that the correct items and organisation colour are selected
4e Items and Storage
The organisation storage is solely for collection orders, it is forbidden to remove items unless immediately uniting a customer with their property and marking the order as delivered
4f Server Disconnection
The organisation expects members to make a reasonable attempt to have active shops or bases re-purchased before disconnecting and to return perk equipment, such as triple illuminated signs, to storage
Honourable Members
The organisation has a lengthy history and there are a number of members and past members that we need to recognise for their valuable contributions to the organisation. There are a large number of members that have done wonders for our organisation but only the most prestigious and conspicuous commitments will be listed here, these members have received our highest award possible and their contributions will forever be treasured. A great thank you to the below members who have demonstrated conspicuous commitment to the Vault Corporation.
Teams and Departments
The organisation has a number of different teams that help us organise our members into sub-groups, these sub-groups are managed by a supervisor which allows for closer mentoring and better support for employees. The teams are divided in the most sensible way possible, for example the members region or skillset. There are some teams which are restricted on rank, these are for managerial purposes such as the command team.
Teams and Department
An overview of the different teams in our organisation
Vault Command
The senior management team responsible for strategic command of the organisation
General Operations
The department responsible for daily in-game functions, such as production and enforcement
Technical Operations
The department responsible for strategic operations, customer functions and long-term innovation
Team Alpha
A team which is part of Vault Operations, responsible for production and market orders
Team Bravo
A team which is part of Vault Operations, responsible for production and market orders
Team Charlie
A team which is part of Vault Operations, responsible for production and market orders
Team Delta
A team which is part of Vault Operations, responsible for production and market orders
Team Echo
A team which is part of Vault Operations, responsible for production and market orders
Team Foxtrot
A team which is part of Vault Operations, responsible for production and market orders